Nissan Leaf; If only there were more Chademos

Four days after I purchased a Smart ForTwo ED (Electric Drive) my wife was so impressed by the performance and driving that we decided to get her an electric car. We needed something that would fit our growing Newfoundland puppy when she reaches her full 120 lbs in a year or so and something that […]

A2B Metro

Another Normal Day: My wife and I thought we would visit the USM Bicycle swap on to check out some cool bikes. In the back of my mind I was really hoping to see a belt driven single speed fixed gear but quickly after arriving I all my expectations were surpassed.

GoalZero; Must Have

So you’re in the middle of no where and want to play WhaleTrail. You pull out your iPhone but curses! Another dead battery… What are you going to do?! Well you could level up and charge that iPhone like now with technology from a small company named GoalZero.

Angus King Delivers The Future Of Wind Energy In Maine

Former Maine Governor, Angus King recently visited Freeport Maine to talk about wind energy. King co-founded Independence Wind, LLC which consults with companies on wind turbine projects in Maine and New England.  King delivered his ideas on the future of wind energy in Maine to a crowded Freeport Community Center as the second speaker in […]

Friends Of Lincoln Lakes

I was recently in Freeport Maine for a lecture presented by former Maine Governor Angus King titled, the Future of Wind Power in Maine.  During the Q&A session at the end of the lecture, the co-founder of Friends of Lincoln Lakes Brade Blake stood up and made a big to-do about how wind turbines are […]

DIY Solar Energy

In 1979 President Carter installed solar water heaters on the roof of the White House. The first thing President Reagan did when he came into office was to take them down. According to Dr. Richard Komp, those water heaters were moved to the roof of Unity College, where they are still working just fine. Dr. […]

Chill Your Bill

One of the largest consumers of residential electricity is your refrigerator. A fridge works by removing heat from inside and pushing it outside. You’ll notice the neato grill on the back of your fridge that cools the condensed fluid before returning to the compressor to absorb more heat. The key point to recognize here is […]

Swimming Pools

A good friend of mine is always saying to me that he wishes they made an all-in-one alternative energy kit. His Acme alternative energy kit would consist of a large water tank painted black to act as a thermal mass, solar water heaters, solar panels, and a wind turbine.